Borderlands 2 S04 – Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary True Vault Hunter Mode

Starting our playthrough of the Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary DLC in True Vault Hunter mode was a little bit of a disappointment.

It appears that this DLC hasn’t scaled correctly for our current level, meaning that the majority of the enemies we took on during this session were easy to take care of.

As per usual, there’s a certain amount of scene-setting at the start of this campaign, and that amounts for the majority of the content of the first video.

The initial battle in Sanctuary was fairly enjoyable but was obviously set up so as to be impossible to complete (otherwise the story would have been a little short!). From then on, we started to meet the infected enemies that will probably make up most of the content of this DLC, requiring a switch away from my corrosive sniper rifle as they were resistant to damage from it.

There was another good battle as we tried to meet up with Mordecai and his new avian companion before we headed back to our new base camp in readiness for (hopefully) starting the campaign proper. Hopefully, the challenge will increase as we get further into the story.

Meeting Tina to build a bomb in the Shooting the Moon mission was fun, and while some of the side missions we took on were a little tedious, there were some periods of enjoyable combat in the second video.

The final video had a few good sections. There were some interesting battles on our way to meet Cassius, and as we headed back to Helios again to rescue Butt Stallion.

On the whole, a fairly enjoyable DLC, only let down by the fact that its level was set around the 42 mark, and we were playing through above level 50.

We previously played Commander Lilith vanilla ahead of the B3 release and it was serviceably entertaining if laden with enough pointless side missions to make the process often border on tedious.

This time we did it in #tvm but unfortunately, the DLC didn’t scale to our level 50 characters, as such it was overly easy.

There were some highlights, the core Shooting the Moon mission was fun, and the subsequent mission to find an antidote to the DLC resolution is solid content.

What do I recall about these videos? That Vaughn is quite entertaining but an underused host to some uninspired content. It’s great to be back playing with some of our B2 favs but we also spend a fair amount of time with some we don’t care for; Ellie’s missions in B2 are some of the most tedious, as they are here, and Scooter is just Scooter. They do their best to make the content empathetic but you don’t really care.

As I’ve mentioned before I’m all in when it comes to killing bandits, robots and Hyperion soldiers but my interest wanes when killing animals and plant-life. There is, unfortunately, an excess of plant life in this DLC.

The stand-out beyond the core missions now I recall from the vanilla playthrough was some great loot, not so much this time as the loot was capped at level 40 (ish) and we were level 50

The DLC is pretty and does bridge B2 to B3. Play it if you haven’t, it’s free. If you’re above level 40, I’d only do the core story missions unless you feel compelled to wallow in the world and you love killing plant life.

If you don’t feel compelled to do it first hand then watch our videos and experience the joy vicariously.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

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