Natural Selection Annex – Borderlands 2 S03E11 – True Vault Hunter Mode

After taking on two slaughter missions in the previous videos, we thought we’d round off the series by taking on the Creatures in the Natural Selection Annex.

This turned out to be a much bigger challenge that we though, as even in the second round we were facing Ultimate Badass level opponents in a very open arena with little cover.

After the first failure in Round 2, we probably should have taken some time to discuss tactics. The relatively open arena gave little opportunity to take cover, but we probably should have made more of an effort to do this. Ultimately I was perhaps a little gung-ho in my attitude, leading to my dropping in to ‘Fight for Life’ out in the open areas of the arena.

The jump in level between this and the last slaughter mission was somewhat of a surprise though, perhaps it’s a mission series we can come back to in the future, with a more systematic and tactical approach.

Wildlife Preservation Slaughterhouse. It’s probably not called that, now I recall it might be the Wildlife Annexe.

Regardless, there is one word of advice I can offer you if you’re in co-op playing this in True Vault Hunter, which is if your buddy gets caught in the middle of the arena fighting for their life, you will have a hard decision to make, which is to revive them and risk the very high chance of dying yourself or to just let them die.

In my opinion, if anyone is stupid enough to get caught out in the middle with no cover in fight for life, they deserve to die. Only revive them if surviving rates above 90% and then give them shit if they bitch about the lack of team play.

I’m not sure I would actually have survived this slaughterhouse in TVM playing solo, as I’ve mentioned numerous times killing anything that isn’t bipedal isn’t my thing, I certainly struggled against those ultimate insects, but you ain’t never going to do it with your arse exposed out in the open.

Nuff said.

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