The Road to Angel – Borderlands 2 S03E04 – True Vault Hunter Mode

The sections of the main campaign in Thousand Cuts and Opportunity are some of my favourites in the game. There’s a good variety of enemies to face off against, and the locations provide for some interesting gameplay.

If memory serves they also provide some interesting side missions too, so we may return to these locations later to cover some of the better ones.

The variety of enemies means that changing out the weapon loadout is often necessary, as you switch from fighting Slabs to Robots to Hyperion soldiers. Aerial bombardment is a particular challenge in this section too, particularly when you’re fighting up a relatively narrow road trying to avoid being blasted off the edge by an attack from the skies.

The final section through Thousand Cuts up to the bunker is particularly satisfying, as a host of high-level enemies are thrown at you to try to prevent the assault on the bunker. We probably should have ended this video before starting this section, but JBG and I were having so much fun we pressed on regardless and ended up deciding to end the video in the middle of a key mission.

Another satisfying factor in this video is that the challenge is definitely ramping up again now, as we start to face higher level enemies closer to the end of the campaign. Now we’re coming into the second half of the campaign, this bodes well for some exciting videos to come!

You may have heard me banging on about my amazing golden pistol the last couple of gameplay blogs. If not here’s another chance.

This session was more of the same in as much it was huge fun. I’ll never have a problem walking as a demi-god through levels and obliterating all those before me.

AD complained it was a little easy. I guess that’s why I love playing as the siren, phase-locking with level nine Helios never gets old. Demi-god all the way.

As the first point of order, we easily convinced Brick to join our gang by killing his best soldiers (funny old world). The slab mission is always good because there are lots of bandits to kill and we like to kill us some bandits.

In Opportunity, we stole Jack’s voice from a body double and I died. Death in Opportunity is easy to come by, demi-god or not. I was toe to toe with a super badass on a platform when AD launched a series of rockets at the badass. The explosions lifted me off the platform and dropped me in the ocean a long stone’s throw away. I drowned. Dying always makes me a little grumpy, but it’s not really dying if your accidentally killed by your pal, is it?

Armed with Jack’s voice module we started the first stage of the assault on Angel’s bunker; lots of robots and lots of Hyperion soldiers. I used my golden pistol almost every step of the way. The low bullet and corrosive damage are compensated by the sheer number of bullets it can fire in burst mode. With my corrosive cloud skill, nothing stood in my way.


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