Ore Chasm – Borderlands 2 S03E10 – True Vault Hunter Mode

After visiting Fink’s slaughterhouse, it only seemed fair to take a trip to Ore Chasm and visit with Innuendobot 5000. While we were there he had some fun in store for us, heading down the lift to battle wave after wave of Hyperion soldiers and robots.

We’d visited here after completing the main campaign in ‘normal’ mode, and it had been pretty challenging back then. Now we were True Vault Hunters we expected things to ramp up somewhat!

We weren’t to be disappointed, although slightly surprisingly we made it all the way to the fifth and final level before dying. A lot! We’d get to a similar point only to find ourselves surrounded by Badass and Super Badass bots, and the rest, as they say, is history.

A bit of strategic thinking saw us finally realising that we should take cover instead of barelling into the middle of them all, with all guns blazing. It was very satisfying to finally beat the final wave, hopefully that comes across in the video!

Ore Chasm, I think it is called. It is the most challenging of the slaughterhouse missions we have so far completed if a challenge can be measured as a good mix of fun and gameplay.

Of course, co-op and true vault hunter make it a little more of a challenge.

If I remember correctly, which I’m prone not to when my daring exploits are recalled, we died a few times at the beginning of the video. I edited those down to the death highlights because who wants to watch extended gameplay where someone dies, it’s like watching a movie where the hero eats a rocket at the end.

Until recently I’d never completed Ore Chasm, ever. Now I’m a super badass myself I’ve completed it once in Vanilla co-op, once TVM co-op and once TVM solo. Everything is doable if you avoid:

  • Standing out in the open
  • Standing out in the open especially when the super badass flying things come into play, they dodge gunfire and are deadly powerful
  • When the super badass loaders land in-front of you and then behind you, choose one group and take them out quickly and then use their vantage to take out the other ones. Preferably start with the ones on the edge of the level which means nothing can come at you from behind.
  • When the suicide bots come for you arm yourself with a shotgun and run like fuck, jump off something high, turn fire, land run, repeat till it goes quiet

It’s a toss-up between this and Finks Slaughterhouse for favourite level but although Finks wins because you can’t beat killing bandits, this is actually more of a combat challenge. You will have to make combat choices (as above).
Great fun.



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