Conflict in Sawtooth – Borderlands 2 S03E06 – True Vault Hunter Mode

“Just go collect some explosives”, says Brick. What could be more easy?

This turned into a pitched battle through the Main Street Reservoir and Cramfist’s foundry, before annoying Mortar enough to allow us to ascend the elevator and steal some explosives.

The difficulty is really starting to ramp up now, and this video contains a number of deaths for both of us! I’m finding that sometimes my weapon load-out leaves a little to be desired, so it may be time to return to Sanctuary to spend some of the Gold Keys I’ve accumulated.

The battles in this episode were often very busy, with lots of high level bad guys to take on. Some of my deaths were a little frustrating personally, as it always seemed like I would be attacked and almost killed by the sole enemy, leaving me with next to nobody to kill in order to revive myself.

Borderlands 2’s rather comedy driving physics also made another entrance right at the end of the video, where both JBG and I sped over a seemingly flat bridge, only for both our cars to end up almost taking off as if we’d driven up a 45° ramp and end up performing some sort of bizarre mating ritual for a few seconds!

Next video should see us heading to the Hyperion Info Stockade to find the location of the Warrior. Should be fun!

Considering we’re only in Sawtooth to find splosives there’s a whole lot of fightin’ happenin’ to get to them splosives. ‘Specially given the amount of ordinance laying about in B2, you’d think it’d be a little easier.

However, Sawtooth is one of the best levels of gameplay with varied environments both indoors and outdoors, wide-open spaces and street-level fighting. It is enormous fun. Not to mention this gold pistol is still kicking ass.

We both died in Sawtooth too, which I don’t particularly care to do. It was one of those situations where a stray shot takes you down, and the only co-located bad guy is a super-powered midget who’s hairline you can barely see over the top of the platform. You’d prefer not to die, but it happens, I guess.
We’d already spent a while here in the last session and spent the best part of an hour here getting out.

Sawtooth is always good fun and this time was no different, save for the dying that is.



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