Foot in the Door – Borderlands 3 – S01E01 – First Playthrough

When we read the announcement of Borderland’s 3 being released on Steam, JBG and I both pre-ordered in readiness to finally get our hands on it. Sadly, the day before we were due to record our first session, Virgin Media decided to upgrade the firmware in by Super Hub, and promptly added huge latency issues to my previously stable connection!

Fast-forward several weeks later, and we finally got thing stable enough to start playing through together. As expected the first hour or so of the game re-introduces all the various gameplay elements, leading to a slightly frustrating experience.

By the end of this video, we’d met up with Claptrap, Vaughn, Marcus and Lillith, before setting up camp and doing various ‘busy-work’ missions to keep our companions happy. Despite being a bit slow, all the familiar Borderlands elements seem to be present, together with some new game mechanics and skills trees to get our heads around.

Hopefully things will start to ramp up as we continue our playthrough. I’m sure the long wait will turn out to be well worth it after all!