Fink’s Slaughterhouse – Borderlands 2 S03E09 – True Vault Hunter Mode

The slaughter missions are always good fun, and playing in True Vault Hunter Mode at level 50 gave plenty of scope for taking out some high level enemies.

This was to be our first ‘real’ video with on-screen Face Cams on both JBG and I, and to be honest we probably couldn’t have picked a worse mission to do this with! For a lot of this video, expect to see both of just staring blankly into the screen, as taking on wave after wave of bad guys left little time for a running commentary!

This was a pretty challenging mission, and we both died almost simultaneously while taking on the second round of bad guys (out of a total of 5!). The remainder of the video saw us giving a much better performance however, although I did let the side down right at the end by dying in the final wave of the final round, leaving poor old JBG to fend for himself for a minute or so.

On the whole a very enjoyable mission, and hopefully we’ll both get better at providing our thoughts during future sessions!

Nobody has ever asked, but if someone ever did ask what my favourite B2 gameplay is, I’d reply ‘Roland’s Rescue’ without hesitation. The rescue is a long sequence of levels covering different environments and opponents. A mini-game in itself which importantly bonds you with Roland as a character.

But this video isn’t about that, so let’s change the question to a favourite level. To which I would immediately answer Fink’s Slaughterhouse, which isn’t so much a level but a deathmatch arena unto itself. When you’re in the arena, you have to survive to get out and if you do you can choose to go back in against tougher opponents.

The attraction is my background in deathmatch FPS gaming which dates allllll the way back to Duke Nukem 3D (it was actually 2d but there was a perspective element). Most of my deathmatch experience came with Quake 1-3 and Unreal Tournament. In those days practice was all about fighting bots. I didn’t really care much for PVP and my perspective really hasn’t much changed.

So Fink’s Slaughterhouse is my kind of fun. I could play a whole DLC based on these kinds of ‘Game of Death’ levels. It was why Torgue’s Carnage DLC boss fight was a huge disappointment for me. It actually had a deathmatch arena in the game and you never got to deathmatch in the arena save for a fixed fight at the beginning.

Anyway, Finks slaughterhouse is good. Very good.

One final point. I picked up a Tesla grenade by accident about a third of the way through this session. I’d never used one before but accidentally came across one of my now favourite gameplay styles, which is to lure baddies towards me, drop a tesla and then slag them as they run through the electric field. I just need a Tesla to now last a decent amount of time.

Have fun, catch you soon.