Rescuing Roland – Borderlands 2 S03E02 – True Vault Hunter Mode

After a good session last time, we’d found our way to Sanctuary and met Lillith. Our first order of business in this session was to head out and rescue Roland. After a bit of messing about getting an appropriate vehicle, the mission proper started with us fighting our way through the Bloodshot Stronghold to find Roland.

As ever, our task wasn’t to be straightforward. No sooner had we met Roland, before he was whisked away by W4R-D3N. This was the start of some more prologued shooting, as we fought our way through scores of robots to catch up with Roland before destroying W4R-D3N and setting Roland free.

After a brief trip back to Sanctuary, we learned that Jack was transporting the vault key on a train, which we had to hijack and search to find the key. On our way, we met Mordecai and Tina, before blowing up the train and finally meeting the famed Wilhelm, who Angel had been harping on about for quite a while now! Wilhelm was quickly dispatched, dropping a useful power core as he did so. All we had to do now was head back to Sanctuary, replace our own ageing power core and retire to a life of peaceful solitude on the nearest beach.

This sequence of missions is probably my favourite in the whole Borderlands 2 main campaign. The tight confines of the stronghold leads for some intense gunplay, and this followed with the more wider spaced robot fighting section is a good contrast in mission style. The level of difficulty is still a little low given our high XP levels, but hopefully things will start to become a little more challenging in future sessions.

Roland’s rescue has always been one of my favourite sequences in B2. It doesn’t matter whether I’m underpowered or overpowered as we were in this session. One-shot kills no problem.

Finding the parts for a bloodshot car has always been a necessary chore and breezing passed Bad Maw is a nice change from the usual challenge it presents in a vanilla playthrough.

The fun starts in the Bloodshot Stronghold, the open spaces and narrow corridors with different levels of attack coming in waves is FUN and one of my favourite all-time game sequences.

There are a few stages in B2 I consistently die. The confrontation with Mad Mike and his deadly overpowered rockets is one of them. Mad Mike went down quickly here, but it was like unexpectedly taking down a challenging seasonal opponent. It felt good over easy.

The sequence leading to Roland’s rescue from 26-32 minutes was probably the best AD, and I have worked together, it looks good on screen, especially with my phase-lock now jumping between bad guys.

During the Bloodshot sequence, (18:37) I picked up a gold pistol from one of the cupboards, I clocked it was gold which was why I took it but didn’t pay it much attention then.

My second weapon slot always has a high fire rate, usually an SMG or pistol with good short to medium zoom. On the surface the gold pistol I picked up ‘React Hornet’ is underpowered, but it’s very high fire rate and reload coupled with corrosive damage make it an excellent weapon to go against lower-powered flesh and any level mechanical opponent. What makes it exceptionally useful is dropping down from the longer zoom of the sniper and working the crowd with its short to medium zoom.

I equipped React Hornet as we entered Tundra express and I expect it to be my primary weapon for long periods as we move forward. As you watch the video, you can see how much fun I’m having using it. I mention it during the gameplay several times as we take out Wilhelm and on through the next video.

A great session to play, hopefully, that comes across in the video.

Finding Sanctuary – Borderlands 2 S03E01 – True Vault Hunter Mode

The first video in a new series playing through Borderlands 2’s Main Campaign in True Vault Hunter mode.

After completing Mr Torgue’s DLC, we decided to play through the main Borderlands 2 DLC campaign in True Vault Hunter mode, concentrating on the story missions initially.

We picked up the action in Liar’s Berg, initially clearing the town of Bullymongs, before concentrating on the story missions. We escorted CL4P-TP to his ship (killing lots of baddies along the way!) before finding our way into Sanctuary. We helped Scooter get Sanctuary ready to fly and then headed into the Crimson Raiders Command Center to find out what we needed to do next.

The calm didn’t last long though, as we immediately headed out to Southpaw Steam & Power to track down four Hyperion Assassins, dispatching them as we came across them. We were then told that Roland may have been captured by a mysterious gang called The Children of the Firehawk. We had to follow the signs to find The Firehawk, who turned out to be none other than our Siren friend Lilith. After helping her defeat the bandits, we decided it was a good time to call time on this video, in readiness for trying to rescue Roland next time.

On the whole, I was slightly surprised at how straightforward these missions appeared, despite playing in True Vault Hunter mode. Hopefully, as we progress through the story things will become a little more challenging.

There is something reassuring about starting another playthrough of Borderlands 2, you know there will obstacles, lots of bad guys but you already know what’s coming and what weapons you’ll need to get through it. Then it’s about taking down bad guys and surviving and not doing anything stupid like killing yourself by accident.

The great thing about this playthrough is that we’re focusing on story missions. There is no time-wasting. We are both in True Vaulthunter mode, level 40+ and in no need of XP boosts unless the mission is particularly fun.

Getting to Sanctuary was effortless, possibly too easy but still enjoyable. Then we killed the assassins in double quick time because that side mission is always fun, then onto the story. I forget the order now but think you get straight into finding the Firehawk and Lilith. Still great fun.

Next up is Roland’s rescue, really looking forward to it.